Our top-notched bunnies' foundation line can be traced back to reputable breeders from all over the world

  • Hall of Fame

    Stunning yet competitive show quality rabbits did not come by easy year after year. We stick to relentless perseverance and efforts to nurture charming rabbits who fascinated us and world-reknowned rabbit judges.

  • What is a Show Quality Rabbit?

    Pedigree rabbit only reflects the pure lineage for up to 3 generations, it is not an indication of the quality. Show quality parents could give you pet shop quality rabbits.

  • Gallery

    After years of passion, thousands of pictures, hundreds of rabbits, tens of awards and a few skips of heartbeats, these are a few snaps that took our breathe away.

Visit our Showroom at 48 Jalan Limbok!

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